Be STILL with Ben Katt
“Stillness is the centered place between striving and squandering.” -Ben Katt
I’m a big proponent of stillness. As a meditation teacher, hospice chaplain, and spiritual coach. As an author of The Way Home: Discovering the Hero’s Journey to Wholeness at Midlife (St. Martin’s Essentials). As a former ordained minister and perpetual student of religious, spiritual, and cultural wisdom and practice. But, mainly, because I once lost my heart to the three-headed monster of achievement, perfectionism, and people-pleasing—and it was stillness that got my heart back.
You see, stillness is a superpower. The most generative action always emerges from contemplation. The most fruitful outer movement results from inner reflection. But in our chaotic, screen-filled world—replete with reactionary hot takes, bloated think-pieces, incessant sales pitches, vapid commentary, and productivity porn—we’ve forgotten how to get quiet. And it’s really effing up everything!
This is why STILL exists. Because we all need a corner of the internet or space in our inbox that invites us to slow down, to listen, to be. To be human. To life fully here and now.
Why subscribe to STILL?
Drawing on wisdom teachings and soulful stories from across place and time, STILL is a space and a community to help you reclaim the ancient, innate art of going inward. Whether you consider yourself spiritual or religious or not. And especially if you are a bit irreverent, somewhat leery about woo-woo things, and can appreciate the occasional pop culture callback.
And why does rediscovering stillness matter? Because cultivating inner life transforms outer life, individually and collectively, and there are a million reasons the world could use that right about now! So, I invite you to be STILL… here.
Free subscribers receive:
A soul-stirring weekly Sunday morning post in your inbox. Usually brief. Always deep. This your weekly invitation to be will generally include:
Ancient wisdom
Life and death reflections
Recommendations (highlighting books, podcasts, articles, and other curiosities that are inspiring me)
A blessing
Paying subscribers receive:
The nourishing weekly posts mentioned above
The satisfaction of knowing your support is helping make my writing available.
The gift of supporting my prison meditation work through the WITHIN Project.
Other awesome things TBD, such as occasional longer posts or exclusive access to work-in-progress writing from what might be my next book!
Founders receive:
All of the awesome aforementioned stuff above
A HUGE thank you
Something cool in the mail from me!
Thank You!
I look forward to creating this space with you and hearing how being STILL together ripples out from our hearts into our relationships and communities.
Have a story to share? An inspiring passage to pass on? Feel free to reach out to me at
Also, I want this to be available to everyone who wants to participate, so if the $5/month subscription doesn’t work for you, just send an email to and I’ll gladly hook you up!